Your Goal vs Your Purpose Oct 28, 2021

 “The goal of my business is to help people,” said one sweet, but very tired-looking lady  on a virtual Q&A session. 

“My goal is to make an impact,” said a zealous nurse practitioner who was oozing warmth and fuzzies in a webinar. 

I get...

Should You Ditch Your To-Do List? Jun 17, 2021

|By Tara Vossenkemper, Ph.D.

Have you ever felt confused by your business? Or by how to think about your business? Or what to do next within your business? A better question might be this: have you ever felt confused about where to focus within your business to get out of the overwhelm?


Think and Act Differently Jun 10, 2021

|By Tara Vossenkemper, Ph.D., LPC

During my doctoral program, I had to take a systems class. Rocco was the instructor. Rocco was old school - he liked original systems thinkers, and he spent a lot of time talking about Bateson, Minuchin, and Haley like they were his besties.

One of the required...

Role Alignment by Tara Vossenkemper May 27, 2021

Segment of an HHN Assessment from Tara Vossenkemper

It’s really that simple. And yes, this is an actual FTN assessment (just one level of it is showing here) for my practice from a little while back.

I’m going to quickly break this down for you so that you can have a solid...

Profit = A Healthy Business May 06, 2021

| By Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC


I’m not a naturally business-minded person. I wasn’t raised in an entrepreneurial family. I didn’t grow up around people who talked gross and profit. I didn’t know anybody who owned their own business. I didn’t major or minor...

Setting Limits in Your Life | Day 7/500 Apr 23, 2021

Your heart is racing, your chest is tight, and you can't ever seem to catch a full breath. You tell yourself if you could only get to the office earlier, before everyone else, you would get caught up. If you could just skip lunch and stay an extra hour, you'd be able to sleep better. Your issues...

Sales is an Issue... Now What? Mar 25, 2021


You know the feeling.

You sit with your family at night playing a game, eating dinner, watching tv, hanging out, but internally you’re racking your brain thinking about your business.

Why am I not making more money? Why do I feel strapped every month? Am I paying my employees...

Diagnosing Sales IssuesĀ  Mar 11, 2021

“Sales. Sales is what brings us together, today. How do we deal with clients who say, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn... about [healthcare services]" and get them to "Show us the money!" Well, we are going to find out today.

For my die-hard Office fans out there, you’ll have...

Can You Go the Distance? Feb 22, 2021

You may know systems are kinda my thing. I strongly believe that there’s nothing better than waking up in the morning knowing that your business can run itself. I love the freedom, the sense of adventure and purpose that I’m able to enjoy because I don’t have to constantly put...

Let's Talk About Your Base Feb 22, 2021

...the base level of the HHN, that is!

Hey there. 

Let’s talk about SALES.

I know that for a lot of people, it feels weird to talk about patients in terms of sales. Like we’re being slimy by recognizing that if we’re not serving clients, we can’t afford to keep the...

You Can, and You Will Feb 22, 2021

 (an Excerpt to Fix This Next for Healthcare Providers, launching July 19, 2021)

Lillie, Willie, and Zillie were their names: a set of triplets born back in the spring of 1921, in a little shack off the main road in Fonthill, Kentucky. Nestled in a cove on the Cumberland River, nearly hidden...