40: Transform Your Money Mindset with Lisa Marie Robinson

Ready to gain financial empowerment and rewrite your money story? Lisa Marie Robinson, the owner and founder of The Sassy Wealth Coach, joins this episode to discuss the often taboo topic…money! Lisa explains how the impact of childhood money beliefs carries on into adult life, the stigma surrounding women and money, and the importance of mindset in achieving financial success. She also shares her own journey of overcoming financial struggles, as well as gives advice for transforming your money mindset and creating a strategic money roadmap!


About Lisa Marie Robinson:

Lisa is best known as the Sassy Wealth Coach with over 20 years of experience in accounting, helping women manage their money with confidence, to feel empowered. After surviving a tumultuous childhood filled with addiction, theft, and violence, her mission is to help women break free from poverty, struggle, and pain. She teaches her clients how to take control of their finances and make mindful decisions that fuel growth and prosperity. When she started her business, she wanted to turn the financial pain and chaos she experienced into prosperity and purpose. She ditched the victim mentality, changed her story, and created the life she knew she deserved. Today, as a speaker she shares her story and teaches others how they can create, retain, and expand wealth by shifting their relationship with money.






Free Resource: thesassywealthcoach.com/sneakymoneyleaks/



Key Topics:

  •  [02:40] Lisa’s personal background and struggles with money
  •  [03:30] The relationship between money and mindset
  •  [06:00] Digging into money beliefs and stories from childhood
  •  [10:05] Retraining the brain and rewriting your money story
  •  [12:40] Overcoming challenges and achieving financial independence
  •  [18:30] Having a strategic plan and knowledge about money
  •  [21:30] Breaking the stigma and taboo around money through open conversations
  •  [25:40] Women feeling the need to defend their professions and experiences
  •  [28:45] The need to challenge societal norms and expectations


Connect with Kasey and Kelsey:

Website: kaseycompton.com/backporchbestie

Instagram: instagram.com/hikaseycompton

Facebook: facebook.com/hikaseycompton